
About David White

David White

Having lived in Wiltshire, on the edge of the Marlborough Downs all my life, I am the fourth generation to farm here.  The farm has now been handed down to the fifth generation and is looked after by my son which has given me the time to turn my passion of the natural world into photography. I have always been passionate about the amazing wildlife I have on the farm and love to photograph both the stunning wildlife and the breathtaking landscapes of the Downs.

In the last few years, I have been very fortunate to travel the world and it has been a dream of mine to see and photograph wonderful landscapes and amazing wildlife.

The Marlborough Downs

My love of wildlife photography and developing interest in cultivating wildlife habitats on the farm, up on the Marlborough Downs, has gone hand in hand over the last ten years, one feeding into the other. The downland managed for birds of prey attracts Red kites and Buzzards, as well as Tawny owls, Short-eared owls, Hobby and Kestrels, all tempted by the mice and voles flourishing in the longer grass.

Travelling the World

Recently, I travelled to Hokkaido, an Island to the north of Japan, to Nepal with the World Pheasant Association, as well as to Zimanga in South Africa. My travels then took me further afield to the Antarctic and this coming year… who knows!

Visit the Gallery

The Gallery showcases the amazing collections of photographs that I have captured either locally on the farm or further afield. The Gallery is where you can also purchase beautiful prints from the vast collection of images.